Sunday, June 29, 2008

Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday

Mike, 1964
Doug, 1964

My oldest and my youngest. They were born five years apart minus two weeks. And then there is Gary, the middle child. Since Doug was just two weeks old when Mike's birthday came around, Ned had to be Birthday Mom. Fortunately we had planned THE PARTY at Peppermint Park where the staff took the kids on the little rides. You brought the cake and party favors and they furnished the ice cream. Ned got a lot of sympathy from the other Dads, but actually I think he enjoyed hanging out with all the young Moms.

Mike and Doug have families. Both have two sons. They are doing well in their business lives and they are good husbands and fathers. We are pretty proud of them. Happy Birthday, boys.

1 comment:

Cynthia said...

They are so cute. Gary reminds me of my little brother way back when.