Saturday, June 03, 2006

Estate Sale

The two-day Estate Sale is done. It was amazing how much "stuff" we had even after we took what we wanted to keep to storage. There were lots of people at the sale and they bought. They bought things that I never thought would sell. Carol Doak of Avid Estate Sales did a great job and had a really good crew with her.

We went over for a while yesterday and again today and had so much fun. We saw some friends who had stopped in for the sale and we met some wonderful people who had lots of questions for us about visiting or moving to Mexico. It was fun to tell some of the stories about the pieces they were buying. I think that they liked the piece for itself but knowing the story of the artist or place it came from was a nice addition for the new owner.

Unfortunately some of the large pieces didn't sell. People were interested in them but they would measure and try to figure out how to get it into their small townhouse but for a number of the pieces, there just wasn't a fit. So we will try to find a consignment shop for them. It is just another little hitch to getting out of the house by Friday. Actually we were hoping to be out by Wednesday and if all the pieces fall into place we will be out then.

This has to be the right move for us because the more stuff that goes, the better I feel. Not a twinge about seeing our things being loaded into someone's car or truck. I did have the thought a couple of times, "Does the buyer know what a deal he is getting?" Of course, it also means that I know where to get deals if we move back to Houston at some point......Estate Sales.

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