Today I got out the dictionary to look up some of the words that I wasn't sure about.
Jubilar - a verb - to retire. Retire? That doesn't make sense. The word for Jubilee is jubileo. Mmm....can't figure that one out.
1209 - 800 anos de aprobacion de la Regla Franciscana - 2009
Aprobacion - passing, endorsement, approval.
Regla - Rules
The rules of the Franciscans have passed 800 years?
Woe is me. Hey, Mexico Bob, Alfredo, Jennifer....some of you Spanish speakers help me out here.
Check this link http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/08531c.htm In my opinion, it means a special gift or priviledge the Catholic Church gives to its parishioners based on the Jubilee Year of the Israelites mentioned in the Bible. It is my guess.
...also, aprobación is a permit of the Franciscan order to rule as such. It is 800 years since those rules exists with the friars. They are known to not be overly rich. Most of their churches are not in gold leaf as the Augustinian order or other orders. They live a very austere life or "frugalistas" as Bob just wrote on his post. I think also the Carmelitas Descalsos have a very lean order. No extra "stuff" that they don't need. I am such a sinner I guess, I love stuff and what they do, is a virtue.
I can't read the sign very well but if think of regla as order not rule and it makes sense. Permission to found the Franciscan Order is how I would translate that phrase. It's the celebration of the 800th year since the founding of the Franciscan Order (by St Francis of Asis of course).
Theresa, In my Spanish dictionary it does say "todo esta en regla" Everything is in order. But it doesn't give a reference regla/order as "A monastic institution such as the Order of St. Benedict." Very confusing. Just like the banner across the top says "Ano Jubilar Franciscano"
Now I definitely can't find any definition in my Spanish dictionary other than "to retire" for Jubilar. That one is definitely confusing to me.
I can't add much to what the others have already told you but some of my dictionaries say that "jubilar" can mean to do something in celebration of a jubilee and "jubilar" can also mean "to make joyful". San Francisco is my favorite saint. He came at a time when people were doing things to excess and many officials were corrupt. He and Santa Clara were reformers in the manner of the first monk, Saint Anthony the Hermit. I wrote a little bit about this here:
I think we could use another St. Francis right now. I have the bald spot but that's about where it ends with me. I nominate Alfredo :)
Alfredo was on the correct concept. Jubilee was the term used by the Jews when all debts were forgiven every 50 years and mortgaged land was returned to the rightful owners. The catholic church uses the term as any special celebratory year. Thus, from a newspaper article on the 800 year Jubliee of the Franciscans: "Under the motto 'The Grace of Our Origins,' the program marks the 800 years since the approval of their Rule by Pope Innocent III." And there are all of the bothersome terms. "Rule" in this case means the approved standards the order would apply to its members.
The camino de santiago pilgrimage has a holy year every time Saint James' birthday that falls on a sunday. It is calle the Jubileo - or holy year,.
My translation is:
Holy year, Franciscan Order
1209 (beginning year) 800 years (since) the approval of the Franciscan order.
My friend Betto was carrying the statue, I'll ask him for his explanation of this, and the entire event the next time I see him.
Exciting times in San Miguel, as usual. It seems that the events of Dec.31 and of Jan. 1 are entirely differents occasions.
Bob, me the new San Francisco? lol, you must be kidding, lol. I am the worst sinner there is. I think you could make a good one. I propose you instead señor.
Well Alfredo, I've been reading the name of the rose which is dealing with the Franciscan order in the 1200's, if there were ever sinners, it was them, so maybe there's hope for you after all - andI think you can still be a sinner and be a saint.
Having been raised a catholic myself, I don't think there is anything you can do without being a bit of a sinner - In my case they made up sins for me when I couldn't think of them, which was most of the time because I was either clueless and didn't understand the difference of being a good devout girl, and sinning, I just didn't care, or maybe a little simple in the head, who knows.
That being said, maybe you should reconsider, after all, it may be possible to be a saint without being a martyr these days...and perhaps better to volunteer before someone with mal intentions signs up!
Happy new year
"Franciscan Jubilee Year" is how Google tranlated it....if that is any help.
I asked one of the members of the Translator Gangs http://richland.wordpress.com/2008/07/27/translation-service/
and they said that it means that the Franciscano Bar on Orizaba is having special on Jubilars Oct4-17 for the first 800 patrons
Okay, now we have THE translation. I hope I can make it to Franciscano Bar while the Jubilars are still free.
Thanks Suzanne, I will reconsider being a santo. I am not too bad of a person, could pass away tomorrow without feeling that I had done something bad to someone. On the other hand, like you in your childhood, I also was blamed of sins I did not know they were. In any case, I don't feel guilty like so many catholics seem to be.
Happy New Year!
Me either... the guilt part that is
but I sure like the pomp and circumstance, and if you were a santo, I'd pin a milagro to you! (with a red ribbon of course)
then I'd head down to that bar for a cool one.
regarding the procession, I spoke with my friend Betto today, who was one of the bearers of the statue.
The statue did come from Italy, as mentioned above. It is made of wood with gold casting/or he called it gold leaf. In one of the hands, there rests some of the body parts - or ancient relics -of San Antonio de Padua.
The event is the 800 year anniversary of the conferation of the order of Franciscans, and the relics are being taken around the world to remember, and to gain parishoners.
That's probably about as close as I'll get to a real explanation, but it all fits.
I like the relics part. Relics are really big in Europe. When I walked the camino de Santiago they were everywhere, and encased in beautiful objects of art.
After you pinning a milagro on me, I will go with you to a bar and enjoy a double with you, lol. At the chuch of San Antonio de Padua in Pueblo Nuevo, Gto. We have a relic of San Antonio de Padua. It is in a Star like made with mirrows. I had never seen it close and it is on the very top of the main altar with the statue of San Antonio. Someone decided to "restore" the statue. The finish result is horrific. Poor San Antonio, he looks like a "mono", whoever "painted" him was not a professional. Saludos.
where is Pueblo Nuevo?
I was looking at your blog, and love the photos of your family. You live in Seattle WA?
I see you love reposteria - my daughter is a pastry chef in San Francisco - runs in our family too, the love of pastries.
After I pin a milagro on you - will I be going to the bar to have a double with a live santo or a wood/gold statue that I have to carry on a litter ? (a little procession of course)
Yes, I live in Seattle, in the beautiful Northwest and love it. No complaints about the rain. I do miss Guanajuato tremendously and enjoy my visits there very much. It is just part of me and my life.
Pueblo Nueve is the smallest of the municipalities of Guanajuato along with Huanímaro and a few others. It is located south of Irapuato, north of Huanímaro, east of Abasolo and west of Salamanca. Most people do not even know it exists but, it does. It is as old as Irapuato. Dating back to over 400 years but, because it's location, it has not grown much. It used to be a coblestone town when I grew up but, thanks to "development", it has been paved, loosing all it's colonial characteristics of San Miguel for instance.
I do love baking and did it for over ten years in Chicago at Jackie's Restaurant. One of the finest in the city at that time. It was a French restaurant with Chinese influence since one of the owners was Chinese. Lol, jajaja you will be going to a bar with a live fun santo who loves to get loopy. Cheers!
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