Saturday, May 10, 2008

24 Hours in Houston

Whew! I don't know if we can keep up the pace. Since yesterday afternoon.......

We arrived in Houston just as Betsy came in from the grocery store and she had to leave again almost immediately to drive one of the car pools. We hauled luggage in, unpacked, hooked up the computer and Vonage phone, showered and dressed to go out for dinner. The grandsons came in from school with two friends. I had forgotten how much energy, noise and confusion that four boys can generate in a very short time and how they can put away food. Betsy put on a pizza for a snack for the boys then made a crab dip for cocktails. The grandsons and friends went to the Little League field for batting practice.

We had cocktails with one of Mike and Betsy's English friends who is in Houston for the Off Shore Technology Conference. Mike came in ran up the stairs to change to go coach a Little League team. The boys came back. A Mother came to pick up the visiting boys and stayed for a while to visit. Mike came in and he and the grandsons ran upstairs to shower so we could make our dinner reservation in 30 minutes. We went to Flemings, a great steak house for dinner because we can't do a Mother's Day dinner on Sunday due to the ball game/practice schedule. Son #2, Gary, joined us at Flemings. It was a great steak and a good time with the family. Finally about 10:00 PM I got to put my body straight out on the bed. It had already been a long day in the car before we arrived in Houston and that bed felt really good.

This morning it all started in again. Breakfast and off to Micro Center, Circuit City, and Target. For lunch, a bowl of gumbo, at Goode Company Seafood Restaurant. Back to the house to drop packages. Off to the Little League field to sit in the 1:00 PM sun to see grandson Jack play. Jack's team won so they go forward in the playoffs. From there we were off to Spec's, the liquor and wine store that covers a city block. As usual we had to wander the total store in amazement at the seemingly unlimited selections. We bought some wine for the house. Then back to the house.

All of this in just 24 hours. Everyone in this house is on the move. The ball game and car pool schedule is mind boggling. I really do hope we'll be able to keep up. And hopefully by the time I post again, I will have had time to make some pictures to add to the blog.


jennifer rose said...

Just reading all of that made me tired!

And those Moscow on the Hudson moments at Target -- all that stuff and so cheap! Be careful about saying "cheap" around the natives, because it could embarrass them. On the other hand, try not to faint over some of those Estadounidense prices.

I have a feeling that you and Ned are going to return to Mexico with the car packed liked something from the Beverly Hillbillies.

Billie Mercer said...

Jennifer, the day made me tired too. We have done the Beverly Hillbilly scene before....don't think we will this time but then you never know whether you'll get sucked back into the consumer culture or not.