Thursday, November 02, 2006

Comida Corrida

Comida Corrida - Fast Food......right here in Colonia San Antonio on Orizaba. They have had a sign out for a while and we have peeked in the door but yesterday we went there for comida since we do not have a kitchen at home. Oh, my, the food is right from the Mexican cocina. Poblano rellenos, guisadas, pollo en salsa verde, res en salsa pasilla, sopa de frijoles, sopa de lenteja, arroz and ensalada. You get a "meat" with rice, beans, salad and soup......and a pitcher of cool jamaica tea.....all for 35 pesos.

The owner of this establishment is a lovely friendly woman who gets a little help from her son when he isn't in school.

It was so good for comida yesterday that we went back for breakfast this morning. We had eggs....mine with ham and Ned's Mexicana, frijoles, tortillas and steaming coffee. And the best part is, it is just a block or so away from the casa.


Brenda Maas said...

Sounds yummy, maybe you don't need a kitchen. LOL.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic blog. Just a correction: "comida corrida" is NOT 'fast food'.It means that you get a full meal: main course, soup, salad and your drinkables :-) Just like a regular Mexican household.