Thursday, July 27, 2006

Is it Coincidence?

I've said it before and I'll say it again, This world is a small place.

Last night I was checking my photo websites and I found a message from a friend and co-worker from the past, Deborah. We worked together on a project at least 12 years ago. She took another job, I moved to another project and we lost direct contact although sometimes I'd talk to someone from that project and we'd talk about the people we worked with on the project. But it had been a long time since I had heard anything about Deborah.

She wrote: I still remember you fondly from (our working together), and treasure the 3 photographs I have from one of your openings. My husband and I just arranged our first visit to SMA for the week of August 11-18, and I was remembering that you often spent time in Mexico, and wondered if perhaps it was in SMA. By sheer "coincidence," I saw your photographs today at (the place) where I work. I knew immediately from the photos without having to look at the info about the exhibit that they were yours. Looking at them more closely confirmed that it IS you, and that you do indeed live in SMA. Do you think we can get together for a drink/meal/conversation while we're there? I'd love to see you! ..........

What is a coincidence?
Wikipedia says: Coincidence literally describes two or more events or entities occupying the same point in space or time, but colloquially means two or more events or entities possessing unexpected parallels, such as thinking about someone and then receiving an unexpected phone call from that person, when it is clear that there is no ordinary casual connection.

Is it a coincidence that I checked the photo website for messages shortly after Deborah posted because sometimes I go for several weeks without checking there for messages?
Is it a coincidence that I am part of a group exhibition that is in a gallery area of Deborah's workplace?
Is it a coincidence that Deborah happened to go through the gallery and recognized my work?
Is it a coincidence that Deborah is coming to SMA out of all the places in Mexico?
Is it a coincidence that we now live in SMA?
Is it a coincidence that Deborah found me on the web photo site as well as my blog?

The same point in space or time.........unexpected parallels?
I don't know why this has happened but I can't wait to see Deborah in San Miguel de Allende.

PS: Deborah, I sent you an email last night. Sometimes AOL will not accept emails coming out of Mexico, especially if the sender isn't in your address book. So let me know here or on the photo website if you didn't get my email.


Anonymous said...


I don't believe in coincidences.

Things happen for a reason.

Have a wonderful time renewing your friendship with Deborah.


Anonymous said...

I grew up in San Miguel, where is your Gallery at?

Billie Mercer said...

Jerry, I'm just thrilled to re-connect with a friend.

Borrego, I love your town and I'm very thankful that we can live here. Unfortunately, I don't have a gallery in San Miguel(or maybe it is fortunate that I don't)nor is my work in a gallery in San Miguel. My friend saw my work in a gallery in Houston and recognized it as being mine.

Anonymous said...

si tiene razon... es un mundo muy pequeno. Pero para las personas de la mente parecida no es tan pequeno como parece....

Anonymous said...

Jerry's right - there are no coincedences


Anonymous said...

I've always liked this quote from an Anglican bishop in England, from decades ago: "When I pray, coincidences happen. When I don't, they don't." I might not use the word pray as naturally as he does, I might be more apt to say: when I'm in the flow, when energies match, or something like that, but it's the same concept!