Sunday, April 17, 2005


Originally uploaded by BillieS.

We've been seeing friends and eating out and I wanted to stay home and eat in. But I had not been to the markets and sometimes you have to go with what you have. Tonight it was a fettucine chicken "thing" because I had some chicken thighs and legs and I had fettucine and I had a few vegetables.

I deboned the chicken and cut it in bite sized pieces.
Sauteed it in olive oil until it was beginning to brown.
Removed it from the skillet and added one medium chopped onion, one cut up zucchine, 2 cut up tomatoes and some garlic.
Cooked the veggies until slightly soft.

Added the chicken back in the skillet.
Added salt, fresh ground pepper, some crushed red pepper and wine.
Cooked until the chicken was tender and the wine cooked down.
Added some crema. Crema here is different than whipping cream in the USA...almost like soft butter.
Served over pasta.
Made a salad with red tip lettuce.

Sent Ned out for rolls. Opened some wine.........
Good dinner.

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