Thursday, September 09, 2010


I've recently read two books about revolution: Waiting for Snow in Havana, Confessions of a Cuban Boy by Carlos M. N. Eire and The Man in The White Sharkskin Suit, A Jewish Family's Exodus from Old Cairo to the New World, Lucette Matalon Lagnado. Both books were about the  life of a family before a revolution and what happened in the aftermath of Communism. One in Cuba, the other in Egypt. Both were told through the eyes of children who lived though revolution and relocation. I loved both books and recommend them to you.

Another comparison was I read one as a book and the other as an e-book on the iPad. And here is what I think about the two. It doesn't make me a lot of difference in the actual reading. Either one is fine. But there is a convenience factor of the e-books. We have been so tied up with medical stuff, I haven't had time to go to a bookstore. So being able to go to Amazon and browse and even download some of the book to read before buying was really nice. Also I wasn't carrying a laptop AND a book around as we hiked from office to office in the medical center. And I finished the e-book in the doctor's office. If we would have had to wait much longer, I could have downloaded another book and kept my mind busy which we waited. I have ordered a Kindle because, we bought the iPad for Ned and if he wanted to use HIS iPad, I felt obligated to hand it over. Also the iPad is heavier than the Kindle so I think having a Kindle all my own will be very nice.

I can't imagine looking at a photography monograph book on an e-reader and I'm not sure about cookbooks on an e-reader but I think novels are going to work out fine for me.


Nancy said...

Billie, I always love a recommendation, thank you.

And I think you should get the epicurious app for Ned's iPad, it will be great in the kitchen.

Steve Cotton said...

I have become a Kindle advocate. And I am surprised. Buying a device for one purpose is the opposite way devices are headed. But reading is such a specialized activity, it deserves its own device. And the Kindle is perfect. I look forward to bringing mine down when I return in October.

Cheryl said...

Looking at cookbooks on an Ipad or e-book is probably not great, BUT, looking up recipes on your I-pad on a website and propping your I-Pad up in the kitchen while you cook it great!!

Cheryl said...

Reading a cookbook on an I-pad or e-reader is probably not great, BUT, looking up a recipe on a website on your I-Pad and propping it up in the kitchen is great!

Mexico Cooks! said...

I'm with Steve: a fervent convert to the Kindle. I didn't want one--as a semi-Luddite, I thought paper-and-ink books were the only way to read--but the minute I got one as a gift, I was hooked. Hooked, I tell you. For the first time in 30 years here in Mexico, I have instant access to almost any book I want to read. I've been a constant reader my entire life, and this new wrinkle is a miracle. I don't know how I lived without it all this time. Three cheers, two thumbs up, and a big yippee for the Kindle!


Anonymous said...

thank you for the recommendations. being cuban myself, i am sure i will find "confessions of a cuban boy" very interesting. my family and i immigrated in sept. of 62, hard to believe it's been almost 48 years.

i hope and pray that ned's surgery went well. i am eager to hear about it so i look forward to reading your next post.

teresa in lake stevens