Thursday, February 05, 2009

Don Pollo

Don Pollo on Ancha de San Antonio sells roasted chickens along with some tortillas and chiles. When we first started buying chickens from him they were 30 or 35 pesos. Now they are 55 pesos and they are fairly small chickens. The cost of chickens has definitely gone up. Still, you need to be there by 4:00 PM or make another plan for Comida or Cena.


1st Mate said...

Up in San Carlos a roast chicken is 80 pesos, so you're still ahead. I haven't priced them here in La Cruz but I bet they're even more. One of those things I was considering when I decided to lean toward vegetarian. I just bought a half-kilo of TVP for around a dollar.

Babs said...

Yes, but with the pesos at 14.80, the chicken is around equivalent to the early on price anyway. It would be approxdimately $3.80US! Still a deal.........

Islagringo said...

They have recently gone up to 85 pesos here. Hiway robbery I tell ya!

Billie Mercer said...

Babs that is true for us but the Mexicans live on the peso and I don't think that their salaries have increased in proportion to chickens increase in price.

I meant to look while we were in TX to see what chicken was costing per pound and what the roasted chickens in the grocery store were but I ran out of time.